The circuitstories

The circuitstories

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Thirumala substation

The hydel power development in Kerala began with the commissioning of Pallivasal hydro electric project in 1940. Next few decades saw the progressive developments of various schemes. There are 2 main feeders into this substation .It consists of a upper yard and a lower yard. The 2 feeders are from Kattakada substation. These are 110kV feeders. The substation supplies power in 3 ratings 66kV,22kV and 11kV.The 11kV supply feeds the following : Pappancode, Poojapura, Velleyambalam, Killipalam, Peyad, Neyamam, Karamana

The power transformers are used to step down the voltage. The transformer core is made of high grade non-ageing cold rolled grain oriented steel laminations. The cooling is provided by means of ONAN(Oil Natural Air Natural) and ONAF(Oil Natural Air Forced). There are fans rotating at very high speed near to fins (used to increase the surface area).

Tap changing mechanism is provided for maintaining the secondary voltage constant with varying primary voltage. Tap changing causes change in leakage reactance, core loss, I2R loss etc. The tap changing means changing the turns ratio. The tapings are provided on the HV side so that it carries minimum current.

4.2.1 Tank

Tank is welded construction. It is stiffened by structured steel. It is provided with 2F earth terminals. HV and LV bushings are transported in crates.

4.2.2 Conservator

Conservator is a cylindrical tank divided into 2 chambers-one for the main tank and other for OLTC. The function of the main conservator is to keep the main tank completely filled with oil. OLTC is fitted with an oil sight window. Explosion vent has a bursting plate and is used as a safety device. When the internal pressure of transformer increases by abnormal phenomenon the diaphragm bursts. In latest models this is replaced by a pressure release valve.

4.2.3 Breather

When transformer becomes warm, the oil and gas expands. The gases at the top of the oil expel out and air is drawn into the transformer. This process is called breathing. The air entering is made moisture free by letting it to pass through the breather. It consists of a small container with silica gel crystal. The material is blue when dry and whitish when damp. At the bottom of the container some oil is present along with aluminium silicate in order to absorb dust particles. There are 2 breathers, one for the main conservator tank and the other for OLTC.
Two gauges keep track of the temperature of the oil and winding and an alarm goes off when the temperature rises beyond the limited value. The gauges are fixed on the mounting plate of the transformer. The 2 types of indicators are –Oil Temperature Indicators (OTI)-Winding Temperature Indicators (WTI). There is provision for the control of fan motor by sensing the oil temperature.

4.2.4 Isolators

In order to disconnect a part of system for maintenance and repair isolators are used. It is a knife switch designed to open a circuit under no load. If isolators are to be opened, the CB connected must be opened first. Otherwise there is a possibility of occurrence of a spark at the isolator contacts. After repair, first isolators are closed and then CB. There are two types of isolators- line isolators and bus isolators. For bus isolators, there is no earth switch. During maintenance works the line isolator contacts are opened, so that the three phases trip simultaneously. For the ease of earthing, dead weights are provided at the end of earthing arms.


Ø Current
Ø Max design voltage
Ø Impulse withstand voltage
4.2.5 Circuit Breakers

A circuit breaker is an equipment which can open or close a circuit under normal as well as fault conditions. It can be operated manually from the yard as well as from control room using a pulse trigger under normal condition and automatically under fault condition. For latter relay circuits are used.

It consists of a moving and fixed contacts enclosed in strong metal tank. Under normal conditions contacts remain closed and the CT senses full load current. When fault occurs, the over-current in the CT primary winding increases the secondary emf thus energizing the trip coil and moving contacts are pulled down, thus opening the contacts and hence the circuit. The arc produced is quenched by SF6(outdoor CB) and vaccum(indoor CB).

Its closing is by spring action and tripping is in air. Each CB has an air tank in which pressure is maintained at 15kg/cm2. If pressure goes below this a rotary compressor is automatically activated. Pressure of SF6 is continuously monitored. SF6 being costly, is filled separately in each CB. The gas can be reconditioned after each operation. Operation mechanism is through air, which is being stored in a closed tank. Other CBs are interconnected through tubes. Gang operation is initiated while tripping.


Ø Rated voltage
Ø Normal current
Ø Frequency
Ø Lightning impulse withstand voltage:

Ø First pole to clear factor
Ø Short time withstand current
Ø Duration of SC current
5 sec
Ø SC breaking current

Ø SC making current
Ø Out of phase breaking current
Ø SF6 gas pressure at 300C
Ø Total mass of SF6 gas
Ø Total mass of circuit breaker
4.2.6 Insulation Transformers

The lines in the substation operate at high voltage and current. They will not work satisfactorily if mounted directly on power lines. The difficulty is overcome by installing instrument transformers. The function is to transfer voltage or current in the power line to values
convenient for the operation of measuring instruments and relays. The two type of instrument transformer in the substation are:

Current transformer

Capacitive voltage transformer Current transformer

The current transformer is used to measure the very high current passing through the bus. It steps down the current and measurements are taken in control room through cables.


Ø  110kV side      : 600-300-150-75/1-1-1-1 Capacitive voltage transformer

This is a step down transformer, which steps down the high voltage to a value that can be measured using the measuring instruments in the control room. This has an additional core for the carrier communication. The CVT are between phases and ground in parallel to the circuit.


Ø  110kV feeder Ratio : 110kV/3/110V

4.2.7 Arcing Horn

Arcing horns are the protection of the insulators in case of high voltage, which it cannot withstand. They are 2 metal rods fitted at the top most and bottom most parts of the insulator. During high voltage, insulators can’t resist this and cracks may be developed. In order to avoid these arcing horns are provided. They conduct the high voltage to the ground and protect the insulator.

4.2.8 Lightning Arrester

Whenever an incoming comes to a substation, initially the line is connected through a lightning arrester. This is for the protection of the station. Generally a lightning arrester seems like
a set of insulators connected together with a ring in the top. This ring is called grading ring. The purpose of grading rings is that in case of heavy voltage surge the charge is distributed uniformly through the ring and then the discharge occurs. An ammeter is connected with the arrester, which record the maximum current passed through it. The ammeter is reset. The ammeter in the arrester carrying the topmost conductor will have maximum current passing through it.

4.2.9 Earthing Systems

All instruments in the yard are earthed by means of an earthling mat of mild steel rod, forming crises-cross squares of 3.5m side. The mat is placed 60cm deep and they are welded at their joint. As initially the earth resistance was found to be greater than one, ground rods were inserted to a depth of 3m at the periphery of the mat. Each instrument is earthed by connecting to a node by GI rod or GI flat. In addition auxiliary mats are provided to prevent the operating person from getting electric shocks.

4.2.10 Capacitor Banking

Capacitor bank is provided for power factor improvement. It decreases the reactive power and increases the active power. 20 MVAR capacitor is connected in the 110kV side. During offload periods the capacitor bank is shutdown to reduce current consumption.

4.2.11 Busbar

The lines operating at the sane voltage is directly connected to a common electrical component called busbar. Busbar is of Cu or Al and is rectangular in cross-section. Conductor used is moose. The incoming and outgoing lines in the substation are connected to the busbar. Single busbar with sectionalisation

In this, busbar is divided into sections and load is equally distributed on all sections.

The advantage of this arrangement is as follows:

Ø  If fault occurs in any section of the busbar, that section can be isolated without affecting the supply from other sections.

Ø  Repair and maintenance of any section of the busbar can be carried out by de energizing that section only. Thus eliminating the possibility of complete shut down Double busbar with bus coupler

Buses are coupled by means of two isolators and a coupler.

The advantage of this arrangement is as follows:

Ø  Load division is better.

Ø   Even if one bus fails the other bus can supply the load.

4.2.12 Insulators

The overhead line conductors are supported on poles or towers in such a way that currents from conductors do not flow to earth through these supports, i.e. lands are properly insulated from supports by insulators. Materials used for constructing the insulators are made of porcelain. The insulator used is of suspension type, stringing type and strain type.

4.2.13 Relays

Relays are one of the most important part of sub-station. The function of a relay is mainly incorporated in the control panel section of the substation. A protective relay is mainly incorporated in the control panel section of the substation. A protective relay is a device that detects the fault and initiates the operation of the CB to isolate the defective element from the rest of the system. The relay detects the abnormal condition such as voltage, current, frequency, phase angle and temperature. Pothencode substation has control panels for its incoming as well as outgoing feeders. And each control panel has various relays. The different types of relays which are used here are:
Ø  Distance protection relay

Ø   Auto reclose relay

Ø   Synchronizing relay

Ø   Differential relay

Ø   Over current relay

Ø   Earth fault relay Distance protection relay
It is a special type of relay used to know at which place the line has failed. The lines are divided into zones. The relay will indicate the rough distance between the station and the point at which the breaking has occurred. The connection to the main relay is made through an auxiliary relay. This relay is very helpful in remote areas. The control panel has 2 types of distance protection relays. Auto reclose relay

Auto reclose relay is of mechanical type. It helps in speedier tripping and making up of the connection after fault rectification. Synchronizing relay

Advantages of bus couplers can be obtained only if the voltage and frequency of the bus bars to be coupled are the same. Synchronized relay does the function of constantly comparing the two voltages and frequency and thereby initiating the tripping mechanism at time of fault. The synchronoscope aids it. Differential relay

The relay is activated at difference in current flowing through the relay. In case of equipments like CT the relay is connected in between the equipments. In normal conditions the current through the relay is the same as the equipment current but when any fault occurs in the line enclosed then there is a rise in current through the relay at the fault side above that which is on the other side. This activates the relay, tripping occurs. Over current relay

The relay activates when current exceeds the permissible limits. It will be connected to the circuit breaker in case of any fault due to over current. The relay acts and activates the circuit to the breaker hence tripping the breaker. DC supply is always given to the relay as it should trip even if there is an interruption in the power supply. Earth fault relay

It will be activated when there is any fault in the earthing of the equipment. It is also connected to circuit breaker to help tripping the circuit. The main applications of this relay are in control, alarm, indication and other auxiliary duties in AC or DC systems. CAA & VAA relays are current and voltage operated respectively. These relays are attracted in armature units of compact design supplied with reset contacts. Standard contacts are of silver or copper alloys. When it is necessary to break heavy or highly inductive DC loads, heavy duty magnetic blow type contacts are used. They use the magnetic field of a small permanent magnet to force the arc onto the arcing horns away from the contact tips. The new control panel uses automatic semaphore (mimic) indicators for better control.
4.2.14 Power Line Communication

Carrier communication is basically the communication between the substation head offices through power lines. Each substation has wave trap arrangement, which consists of capacitor and inductor coupling circuit, which is used to separate the speech from 50Hz frequencies. There are controls of the communication lines in a separate area. It has an amplifier, modulator, interface etc. used for amplifying, modulating and making intermediate connections. It cannot be made for practical domestic distribution as this will make the signal very weak. Using PLCC it is possible to make remote controlled connections to the CT, PT, CB etc. which will make the job easier. In this type of communication, there will be no interference from outside. Microwave communication can be used to link the dispatched centre within the substation and also to the head office. 9505 power line carrier terminals are intended for the transmission of speed, telemetering, teleprinting, telecontrol, teleindication & teleprotections signals in the carrier frequency range between 50Hz to 500 kHz over the following communication media with suitable line equipment.

The different types of power lines

Ø  High volume and medium volume power lines

Ø   Open wire lines exposed to power lines

Model 9505 PLCC provides single or twin channel voice grade for the transmission of

speech or audio tones over high volume transmission lines. The transmitted audio tones can be used for telemetering supervisory control, protective relaying, data or other purposes. When used
for data only, each channel carries onto typically 2450-based telegraphed channels or a small no of channels at high base rates.

Features of PLCC are: programming, efficiency, flexibility, voice grade connections and output power. Thus they are used for 3 purposes.
Ø  Station to station communication

Ø   Data transmission

Ø   Protection purpose Principle

AF signals are converted into IF signals using IF carriers of 5.12 MHz generated in the system using a crystal oscillator. The required IF signals are filtered out using IO pole crystal filter to a final mixer stage. The carrier required for final mixing is derived from a VCO. The section works on PLL principle and can be programmed to oscillate so as to give HF output in the range of 50-500 kHz in steps of 0.5 kHz. Programming can be achieved by simple strapping.

4.2.15 Battery & Battery Charger

The station DC source is facilitated through battery of 400 Ah capacity and 200 Ah capacity. The 400 Ah battery bank No 1 is fed through the battery charger from the main control room. This is of 110kV, 50 A capacity. The second 400Ah battery bank has the same capacity. 200 Ah bank is fed through the battery charger located in the old control room. This is of 110kV, 15 A capacity. This feeds only 11kV cubicles located in the old control room. 110 volt supply is always provided as a standby as there is possibility of power failure in station. At this time also the tripping in case of fault should continue, for this the 80V DC supply is very essential. 55 batteries each of 2 volt are provided giving a total of 110 V. In some area the required voltage is less, in such cases the batteries used also should be less. The batteries are lead acid cells and have sulphuric acid as its electrolyte with lead electrode along with spongy lead in between. They have 400 Ah capacity i.e. they can supply a current of 400 A for a time of 1 hour. So it can be used to supply 200 A at intervals of 2 hours. This voltage always provided in parallel with the AC supply. It can be used in case the AC fails. The batteries can be charged in 2 modes, float charging and boost charging. Float charging is used when AC is present and Boost charging is used when the battery is in the back up mode. Battery is regularly checked in the substation to check the acidity

of electrolyte. A hydrometer is used to measure the same. To measure the voltage there is the centre zero voltmeter.


4.3.1 63MVA, 110/66kV Autotransformer

Ø Volts at no load

Ø Ampere

Ø Phase

Ø Type of cooling

Ø Frequency

Ø Impedance voltage

Ø Weight of Core and windings

Ø Weight of oil

Ø Volume of oil

Ø Guaranteed maximum

Temperature rise in oil

Ø Number of working taps

4.3.2 10 MVA, 110/11kV Transformer


Ø Volts on no load

Ø Amperes

Ø Phase

Ø Type of cooling

Ø Frequency

Ø Impedance voltage

Ø Un-tanking mass

Ø Mass of oil

Ø Total mass

Ø Volume of oil

Ø   Guaranteed maximum

Temperature rise in oil                        :           450C
Ø  Maximum temperature

rise of winding                                    :           550C

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